All Our Kids Need To Be Confident & Strong

We want to break the cycle of multi-generational poverty in Jackson County.


We envision a community rich in opportunities to eliminate poverty and allow all people to achieve financial stability and success. Among the many crucial things we must address is preparing our youth to pursue their pathway to stability. Your support allows United Way of Jackson County to do just that. Children from impoverished homes or single-parent homes are gaining the confidence and skills they need to begin that journey. Because of you, we are able to fund community based mentoring programs through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Jackson County, where at-risk youth are mentored by loving, caring adults who are backed by a professional staff. PJ and Cameron are an example of that positive impact.

PJ is dedicated to growing his relationship with Cameron and helping Cameron grow into the best young man he can be. They have participated in volunteer opportunities, taken part in the local Glow-run, worked together on Cameron’s academics, and improved Cameron’s comfort in social situations. Cameron struggles with self-expression, self-confidence, social interaction and academic achievement. Cameron lost his father several years ago and lacked a positive male role model. PJ and Cameron have been matched since the fall of 2013 and have become inseparable. Cameron says he is glad PJ will be his Big Brother forever.

Children who once felt hopeless are now living a life of hope for the future. Your support of this United Way funded program is making real, meaningful change for children in our community.

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